Joyfully, Jan was able to come home about a month ago and can now walk with the aid of a walking frame. She is not yet able to drive because of lack of feeling in her feet. This means that family members take her on outings.
When it comes to maneuvering a walking frame from the car to the pavement or to the library by the steps, things come clearly into view.
Where are the ramps in the town to enable easy access from someone who requires this type of facility?
Where are the disabled car parks – you know the ones that are always the only empty ones in the street when, as an able bodied person, you were looking for a carpark?
What about the supermarket? These parking spots that can be used with a disabled parking permit become so important when they are a necessity rather than just a desire to walk a shorter distance.
You really look at the world with a very different lens. You knew that these facilities existed but previously they had very little meaning for you. Your total behaviour becomes more creative to get that easy passage to where you want to go.
Your thinking about the car parks and the wheel chair access changes as you get more significant information and when it is a safety survival need that is being taken away from. Your perception of the world alters and is never the same again.